Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Louis Riel was thought of in many different ways. Hero, Prophet, and just plain crazy. I have reasons to believe that he was more of a hero then anything. Louis Riel was the Metis leader and the founder of Manitoba.

        In 1869, the Red River and North-West was going to be transferred from the HBC to the Canadian government . William McDougall was appointed Governor of the brand new territory. This scared the Louis Riel and the Metis, making them act hostile toward them, They also had fear of the Anglo-Protestant immigrants from Ontario. The Metis had organized a "National Committee", and appointed Louis Riel the secretary. Due to Louis Riel education he was the obvious choice for a leader. The new committee stooped the surveys from taking place by not allowing McDougall from entering Red River.

On November second, the Metis captured a Hudson's Bay Company trading out post. The Committee asked the people of Red River to give delegates to Fort Garry. After, Louis Riel wrote a List of Rights for the folks of Red River. In the comings days, a Canadian armed resistance tried to capture and the Metis and take Fort Garry, but failed, and surrendered to the Metis.

In December twenty third, Louis Riel had been appointed Provisional government of Red River. The Canadian government sent special commissioners “ of goodwill” to Red River, to represent the Hudson's bay Company.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

the Love canal was first created by a man named William T Love. His plan was to connect two parts of the niagra falls. He believed it would produce hydro electricity to burgeoning companies. Sadly, his goal was never met due to limitations of direct current. Also the depression of 1893 had a big part of the canal failing. Due to all these problems, the canal just became a pit of water and a swimming hole for vacationers. It was then auctioned off to hooker Electrochemical CO. The company then used the canal as a toxic dumping site.
After roughly ten years, the pit was filled with 21,000 tons of toxic waste! Hooker then had the idea to put a clay cap on top of the canal for safety reasons. At the time, the city was expanding and needed cheap land. Hooker sold the land for 1.00$ ( The contract mentioned the toxic waste land). In the years to follow, the city built a school and  homes for the community on or around the site. After a few more years passed, the residents of the homes started complaining of odd smells and feeling sick. Soon enough, the government declared the area in the sate of emergency.  pregnant women and children under the age of two were evacuated right away. The area now is now surrounded by a fence and is off limits to the public.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Canadian Identity Test

What makes you Canadian?  How is your "Canadian-ness" shown in your daily life?  If you are not Canadian, think of the people you see around you everyday and apply these questions to them.  Write at least 150 words in your blog explaining how you or the people around you express Canadian-ness.  A one sentence answer will not do it here.  You may refer to any information on the class blog to support what you have to say.  
Everyone is proud to be canadian, who could no be?  We have one of the greatst health systems in the world, It welcomes everyone no matter what race or beliefs, and we are very multicultural. We all have diffrent traditions, and we all celebrate them diffrently. Canada accepts all of those things. Pretty much as long as you flollow the law your set in Canada. In other countries your right are limited, education isnt a right, and religon is forced onto you. Living in Canada is excellent, because we dont have any of those problems. Almost all kids go to school, you can pick your own religon, and everyone has the same rights as everyone else. I  dont really do anything that shows that I am canadian, but by the way I live my life. I am happy to be a canadian citizen.